Tuesday, February 15, 2005


> i''ve turned a year older.

> yes i'm 19....sad to say. hehehe. okay fine it's 23

> aging for me is just numbers you add to your current age
> for documentation purposes like what i say.

> aging i think is not directly proportional with maturity,
ideally one should mature when one grows old,

> but what does maturity means?

> according to merriam dictionary: having completed natural growth and development ( their talking about the phsyical features) > but for me maturity comes with the decision you make

> you may be 16 but if you make the right choices or you stand by it and takes full responsibility with what you do in life i guess that makes you mature

> turning 23 and it seems to me that nothing changed i feel i'm still my old self 5 years ago. i do have this touch of childishness and child likeness combined

> i've been through a lot and still facing more, but still there is a yearning for more experience, more knowledge and more searching...

> still looking and searching...still waiting..still growing

> i guess there's a lot of room for maturing, cause everyday we are faced with decisions that would make or break us

> it is just a matter of choice and how we stand by this choice that we made

> i'm older, i guess wiser and a lot better than before


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