Thursday, February 03, 2005

moving on.

i consider myself a veteran in the field emotional combat. i guess i've been through alot (but not all) the hassles and turmoils (emotional once again) one could experience. and one thing i have learn is that one should always know how to move on. because dwelling in the past would just mean hurting your self. i remember a quote from Frederick Nietze ( i'm so sorry about the spelling of his last name ), i think his somewhere from Europe..and i love his quote...and here it goes " what doesn't kill you makes you stronger", true.

you learn from your experiences, yes and no. i've heard this way back when i was a child. but still i do stumble with the same mistakes. ( and i'm not stupid ) maybe sometimes we really don't's like when you fall in love, after a break up you'll say to yourself that you'll be smarter the next time...but sometimes love just blinds you from certain reality and you still do those stupid mistakes... but you don't have a choice but to move on.

but before one can move on, you need to confront and face the issues your at. i think it is part of the moving on process....don't run from it. as long as it won't kill you...don't run. just face it.
still young, maybe on your perspective they might be petty but their mine for the judging.
experience. face it.learn from it. then move on.
that's life.


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