Thursday, March 29, 2007


I’m having hard time accepting that I’m 25. Yes 25, though the looks doesn’t show any sign of me being in my 20’s I have to admit I am 25 (hehe). Really can’t imagine that it has been a quarter of a century that I have been in this world… I can still remember my high school graduation like it was just yesterday or even when I was crying in our classroom way back grade one because I was the last one who finished copying the notes on the board. Years just flied so fast. I never pictured myself where I am right now. That’s right. Never. I dreamed I’ll be richer, have my own house, been to every possible place in the world, but NOOOOOOOOOO, I still live with my folks, I don’t even have any money right now (which reminds me I need to borrow from my nanay when I get home) and the farthest place I have been is Palawan (yeah, been there with my relatives). In other words you feel that nothing is happening in your life that you ever really wanted. As if this was just a plan that went wrong and what do you get out of these?

Disappointments, disappointments and more disappointments, I guess that is what I get for being to ambitious. Hey I’m a dreamer, what can I do? Better to dream high right? By the way if you feel that we are on the same boat, well this boat has a name and it’s called QUARTERLY LIFE CRISIS.

Let me just grab my life vest.

9 Signs that you are STRESSED

1. You get fatter.
2. You get fatter.
3. You get fatter.
4. You get fatter.
5. You get fatter.
6. You get fatter.
7. You get fatter.
8. You get fatter.
9. You get fatter.


Would you know if it is time to move on?

After almost four years something hit me. I'm no longer happy. After all what I have been through... all suddenly came to a halt. The world that I have been part of just seems to be shrinking every minute, everything seems to be moving very slowly and find myself dragging my ass. The excitement simply faded. The enthusiasm vanished.

And I think it is indeed time to move on.


it's been awhile since i last "blogged-out".. busy..busy..busy..with life .. with
work .. with love .. with every excuse i can think of.since i do have the chance right now.... let's see if i can

i'm sick. freakin' sick! so sick my bone aches. when i cough i feel it in my stomach. i'm sweating profusely. i wish i was at home, just relaxing, but NOOOOO.. i can't ' cause im at work. so amidst the pain im going thru.. i need to work. Damn! i hate being sick.. or is it working that i really hate?