they say love is like a butterfly
you don't have to catch it
you just have to wait for it
they say love is blind
and does not see
the externalities of a person
and refuses to see the error that was done
they say love comes in mysterious ways
and at the time you least expect it
what do i say?
love does look at the physicality
it usually starts with infatuation
love does make mental note of one's mistake
you don't wait, cause it won't come as a butterfly
you need to make a move
love does not come as a puzzle
it is in laid out to you, you just have to make the right choices
love is full of uncertainty...pain..bitterness...denial
love is not fair and equal
cause in the real world love was not made that way
love is selective
you can never love a total stranger
it takes time
love grows, love is frail
it's strength lies in it's foundation
and it's foundation to it's reason for existence
love is always misinterpreted....misused and abused
cause love will always be specifically undefinable
love is not really something we feel in our five senses
it is not tangible nor is it audible
it does not have a scent nor a taste neither can we see it
it is in our mind... that is what makes it so simple
cause love sometimes is a choice
to love is an impulse, a feeling...but to keep that love alive is by choice.