Tuesday, August 23, 2005

as simple as it was...

i miss when life was so simple when you don't have to worry about the days to come or the days that went by and all you have to think about was that particular moment. when major problems were as petty as having a bad hair day or having a big pimple..when seeing your crush makes your whole day so complete....when hanging with your friends was a must and having a new pair of rubber shoe was a dream come true... just missing life as it was...

Monday, August 22, 2005

gettin' tired

there are times that i feel so tired waiting and hoping that someone special would come tired of people coming then leaving...it's not desperation i feel. . . it's disappointment, disappointed that maybe i was not really meant for a long lasting relationship. people come and go, some leaves a mark behind, some just simply go....i'm waiting for that person who would come . . . . and stay,
maybe not forever. . . but a time worth remembering and keeping.
it makes me wonder about the thing they say that everybody has somebody somewhere.
maybe i'm just a nobody and really has noone . . .maybe it's premature to tell . . . but with the way my life's going............you really don't have to wait.

wishful hesitation

i'm afraid to ask a thing from you
i'm scared that you might go
and there's nothing i can do
i fear that i'm just someone
who passes thru
i'm frigthened by the thought
that i'm no good for you
i don't know if i can have you
but i enjoy the moment and
for now our friendship will do
though i've known you
for a short period of time
i only wish you could be mine